1. Download Cocos2D for iPhone
download v2.0 - cocos2d-iphone-2.0.tar.gz 2. Using git hub to download cocos2d a) download git for mac os b) open mac os terminal input: git clone git://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-iphone.git (this means to copy source of cocos2d from remote to local machine) c) cd cocos2d-iphone ls d) switch to cocos2d v2.0 in os x terminal input: git checkout master-v2 3. Install Cocos2D Template Enter Mac Terminal cd Documents ls cd cocos2d-iphone (git checkout master-v2) ./install-templates.sh-u-f first time install may have some errors of privilege how to fix: a) go to finder b) Go to->Go to Folder c) input the path of your original template eg: /Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/ d) ./install-templates.sh-u-f 4. Cocos2D API Using Dash to get latest API CCSprite -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------